I'm hosting an event. Is it covered?

Before we can determine event coverage, we need to know a bit more about what you are planning. Please contact us with the following:

  • Will this event be open to only members of your gym, or will there be participants from other gyms and/or the general public?
  • Will waivers be collected from all athletes prior to their participation?
  • What are the activities/WODs that participants will be asked to complete, including reps and weights?
  • How many athletes will be participating in the event?
  • What portion of the proceeds will be going to charity?

Depending on your responses and the coverage extended by your current policy, there may be a Special Event application to complete and an additional premium may be charged to cover the event.

As you are preparing for your event, it may be helpful to reference this article about planning a safe event. 

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